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David Gunnarsson and his team at DaveArt would love to help you create your cool mask design.

Pro goalies

Goalies in the NHL, AHL, KHL, SHL etc. – send an e-mail directly to and the ball is rolling.

Non pro goalies

You have the chance to get a mask painted and created by David Gunnarsson, the artist who dominates the mask art of the NHL goalies. Fill in your application and your design may be chosen.

DaveArt Hero Mask - get your dream design and a pro mask all for free!

Are you a hero? Send us a mail and tell us what you do for another person, or if you have a friend that is a hero tell us about that person. Anyone can be a HERO. Maybe you are helping your grandma cut the grass every summer, maybe you’ve learned your little sister to swim. Anything good you have done for another human being. We want to give something to you!

Tell us your story, once a year we pick one person who gets his or her own dream design painted and created by David, and you also get a Bauer pro mask. All this FOR FREE!

E-mail your story to and write HERO as subject.